Monday, March 14, 2011

Homophobic claptrap

Not too long ago, I reported a blog to Blogspot for it's right- wing rants against gays and lesbians.

This morning I received this email, copied below in it's entirety:

"Hey you little ass fucker "metro-sexual" lady gaga intoctrined baby.

You must realize we live in a time of free speech and collective

If you want to be flagrant and faggoty with your hedonism, go do it in the subway with your grubby little friends, or how about in front of your mommy.

THis is what you said -

:jonesyinc said...
Just reported you to Blogspot, fingers crossed you won't be allowed to continue or leave homophobic comments on other blogs! "

Reported me to blogspot for what? Freespeech and wisdom is something you must clue into

and we the followers of the true living god, Christ / Yahweh will see your "kind"

fall into the depths of what some call hell, hades, the void, ect.

You are lost little child. Too bad there is no support aside from your little ego.

Get your hamsters, get your gerbils, get your blue boys, get your vaseline

and stick it up your ass like you love and leave our children alone you Satanic

little ignoramus.

Report those that understand, not those you have no grasp. Like I said leave

humanity alone with your gay pride. The slide is going down on your slope

and you corrupting family values is the risk. How can 2 fags make a baby? No way

done and only done to procure a child into slavery. I can prove this and you cannot.

Satans rusty asshole calls you and you may enter soon if we can all hope this happens.

Eradication of defecation of mindstate and selfish dirty deeds that do not support

natural harmony is what is the problem. Hitler was a fag too, and look at the rage

he possessed due to the imbalance and demons invoking his soul. Look hard, travel

the path it's yours to choose, you are fighting a battle with me and other righteous humans

that you will never win,until you succumb to your own scum. You probably will anyways

the Homosexual community is the most divergent sick-ridden community next to the impovershed

and you cannot prove otherwise, because us honest people are right.

You lose sorely just because you don't have feelings and you can't interact with the opposite sex, other than a weak and flamboyant exxageration.

You child, have a sickness, now go die fag.

Oatstao-truth sayer."

Anyone feeling a strong urge to respond to the writer can do so at the following email address:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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