Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Shameless Plug:

So, I’ve written and self published some books in my time and still continue to do so - the latest ones are a series of short stories, like people portraits.  One of my favourite things to do is people watch, sit in a cafe and watch folk as they go about their lives, shopping, arguing, day dreaming….

And while I do this, sometimes my mind wanders and creates back stories for them - these books each contain 1o of these very short stories, easy reads and giving a brief glimpse into someone else’s life.

Book 1 is currently free for the next few days on Kindle (link below) with books 2 and 3 for sale, and also combined into one larger edition too.  Am working on future editions so find my author page for your country and bookmark it!

Am adding them soon to Apple Books and Barnes & Nobles

Here’s the free link:


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